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how to get the most out of water aerobics

how to get the most out of water aerobics

 How does an aquagym session take place?

All about aquagym sessions

Have you always wanted to try aqua aerobics? Are you hesitating, because you don't know if this is a really effective sport for slimming and toning your figure? Put on your swimsuit, we'll explain everything to you!

The course of an aquagym course

Water aerobics is an aquatic activity that feels very gentle. However, it is a very complete sport that allows you to work the muscles of the thighs, glutes, abdominals, adductors and even the biceps.

Once you are in the pool, the coach will ask you to warm up. Running in place, performing movements with the arms and legs, raising the knees to chest level… This warm-up will allow you to start the session in optimal conditions. And then it's gone for 45 minutes! Throughout the duration of the aqua aerobics class, you will have to perform a series of exercises. Very varied, the movements to be performed gain in intensity and no part of the body is neglected.

At the end of the session, you can do the plank to relieve the pressure and get back to a normal heart rate. If you still have energy after your aqua aerobics class, you can do a few laps in the pool. Indeed, ending your session with swimming is strongly recommended in order to relax your muscles. If on top of that it allows you to burn some extra calories, why not?

Aquagym: the right water sport for you?

Are you interested in practicing aquagym? If you're looking for a complete sport that allows you to work several muscle groups at the same time gently, you might be won over.

Of course, there are also other water sports that will give you just as much results, if not more. This is particularly the case with aquabiking or aquatraining. For example, the aquabike is an ideal sport to refine your silhouette and exercise your muscles: you take a seat on a bike installed in a swimming pool and you pedal in rhythm to the sound of music and the encouragement of a certified coach! Release assured!

In addition to aqua aerobics, if you fancy trying out the aquabike, we invite you to take the plunge and register for your very first session at Aqua by. Put on your swimsuit, we are waiting for you.

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