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how to reduce belly fat by aerobics

how to reduce belly fat by aerobics 

Seven tips to follow when you want to get rid of belly fat

Endurance sports, sheathing and targeted nutrition ... A few rules must be observed when you want to say goodbye to belly fat. Follow the guide.

No need to do series of 50 abs every two days to eradicate that pretty mat of fat that covers the belly. First because you risk leaving your lower back, then because the movement is ineffective. The key to carrying out the project is a solid and subtle strategy based on the association of good sports and a balanced diet. Follow the guide.

Tuck in your stomach all day

It may sound silly and restrictive, but the basic rule is body awareness, before any sports and food routine. “Whether you are at work or at home, it is essential to force yourself to tuck your stomach in all day, as if the navel were sucked in by the spine,” indicates Karine Hellebuyck, sports coach in Paris. The body is linked to the mind, so we will benefit from better energy and the muscles will begin to tone up, ”concludes the coach.

Get moving

"The fat begins to melt from the moment you simply get back to moving as much as possible", informs Christophe Boulanger, sports coach in Bordeaux and specialized in running. The reason is simple: "We store fat in part because the body does not spend what we give it, which can be too sweet or too fatty", adds Brigitte Barthe, food education advisor (1). The main thing is to adopt simple but effective habits: prefer the stairs to the elevators, shorten your journey by public transport to end on foot, or even get up regularly from your chair when working seated all day.

Learn to eat again

Among other causes (stress, healthy lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, interplay of hormones or even disturbed intestinal flora), “fat often comes from a behavioral problem which in turn leads to poor food intake, in other words an unbalanced diet. Bad reflexes, such as eating industrial foods that are too fatty or too sweet, also promote the appearance of fat, ”recalls Deborah Ohana, dietitian and sports nutritionist. “Usually the food is mostly of poor quality. We can start by replacing animal proteins with plants, and use olive oil rather than butter, for example, ”adds Brigitte Barthe.

Long before thinking about "diet", the most important thing is to listen to your hunger and feeling of fullness, to "differentiate what the head and body offer", indicates the dietician. Then, in parallel with a sporting activity, we reduce fats and sugars and we ban those of industrial origin. Deborah Ohana is categorical: “The main thing is to ensure that you eat the most balanced meals possible with proteins, starches (depending on your hunger), vegetables, a portion of fruit and a source of calcium. No need to calculate everything, everything is obviously balanced over a week ”.

Avoid weight training and prefer cardio

No need to stick to a set of 50 crunch abs every morning. Coach Christophe Boulanger explains: “When you start the process and want to 'attack fat', you have to avoid so-called 'mass gain' sports. Unless you follow the exercises quickly with little recovery between each, we will not work on endurance and therefore we will not draw on fat ”. If cardio allows you to burn more calories, it is because it makes the body work in what is called the "target zone". The coach explains: “It is between 120 and 150 beats / minute depending on age. The cardiovascular system then reaches the optimal heart rate to draw on sugars and fats ”.

Do not do abs

The exercise is obviously interesting for toning part of the abdominal area, but it is advisable to practice it when the body has already gained muscles and not at the beginning of the recovery in hand. “The traditional" crunch "(bust raises) will push the organs down. You first need to tone up in depth by focusing on the transverse, ”says coach Karine Hellebuyck. To do this, we opt in addition to other sheathing exercises, for reverse crunches that mobilize the part below the navel. On the back, legs bent, heels to buttocks. We raise our feet to bring the lower back and the bent legs towards you, while breathing. We bring them down to put our feet on while inhaling.

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