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how to teach water aerobics

how to teach water aerobics 

 How to become an aquabike and aqua aerobics teacher in the pool?

In France, the teaching of aquabiking and aquagym is starting to be regulated and can only be provided by a qualified sports educator. However, these two disciplines are not recognized either by the French Swimming Federation or by the French Fitness Federation.

Who can become an aquabike or aqua aerobics teacher?

There are 3 diplomas to teach aquabiking and aquagym, as well as other disciplines related to the aquatic environment: the BEESAN, the BPJEPS AAN and the STAPS license with mention in water.


Professional Certificate in Youth, Popular Education and Sport, Aquatic Activities and Swimming

The training for obtaining this class 4 diploma takes place over one or two years, in vocational training, apprenticeship or VAE (validation of acquired experience). You can choose to specialize or be multidisciplinary. In all cases, the conditions for obtaining the diploma depend on the chosen specialty.

The professional license “aquatic activities”

Following the STAPS “sports training”

This diploma takes place over one year and is accessible at the Bac + 2 level, following a STAPS License for example. Its objective is to train professionals capable of supervising, managing and facilitating aquatic structures and lessons.


State Certificate of Sports Educator in Swimming Activities

This diploma has not been issued since 2013 but corresponds to the BPJEPS AAN. Small difference, holders of the BEESAN can train groups of competitors, which is not allowed with the BPJEPS AAN.

To note

Holders of the STAPS, BEESAN or BPJEPS AAN License will have the title of lifeguard (MSN), according to the decree of March 15, 2010. This title is to be renewed every 5 years with the Certificate of Ability to Exercise of the profession of MNS.

In addition to one of these diplomas, you will need to pass the PSE (Team First Aid). This diploma is obtained at two levels. You must have passed PSE1 to pass PSE2. Obtaining this diploma is one of the entry requirements for the BPJEPS AAN.

In practice: teaching aquagym and aquabike

All the diplomas deciphered above are given either in university or in approved organizations. There are also many opportunities as to the structures in which you will be required to teach.

Where to train?

Many universities in France offer STAPS: 43 universities in France including the University of Nantes with the professional license "aquatic activities". The BPJEPS AAN is given in the IRSS (regional sports and health institute) of Cholet, Poitiers, Nantes, Rennes and Tours, at the Lyon sports school ...

These diplomas are not exclusively reserved for teaching aquagym and aquabike, but rather for any aquatic activity. Many private organizations provide training in order to teach the particularities of these disciplines.

European Aquatic Association (EAA) is an association present in several countries. It provides basic training and specialties in the aquatic field in general.

Christophe Jennequin is a professional aquabiking trainer. It offers three courses, from initiation to advanced.

Aqua-Collègue is an aquatic education organization (Alsace, Moselle, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland).

Where to work

With one of these diplomas, you are now an aquabike or aquagym teacher. You have the possibility :

to give private lessons in aquagym and aquabike

to lead leisure activities

to be employed by a local authority

to work for a company operating a swimming pool

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