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how to reduce belly fat through aerobics

 how to reduce belly fat through aerobics

Losing weight with aerobics: How often?

How often do you need to practice aerobics to be effective and progress? Does it help to lose weight? How many times a week and how long per session to lose weight and burn fat? The tool below allows you to see over a month, the impact of a 30 minute or 1 hour aerobic training program with an interval of 1, 2, 3 or 4 times per week to eliminate your extra pounds!

More information on aerobics and weight loss!

While regular physical activity combined with good dietary hygiene can refine and tone the body, some disciplines help you lose weight and lose weight more than others. What about aerobics and your calorie burn? How long and how many sessions per week to lose weight and have a result by practicing aerobics? Below are some answers.

Calories Burned from Aerobics!

If your goal is to lose weight, aerobics is an effective activity. This fitness discipline will allow you to work on cardio but also to build muscle. With its many rhythmic exercises, aerobics promotes fat burning and helps lose weight. In 30 minutes of exercise, the calorie expenditure for normal intensity aerobics averages 200 calories, while it is 500 calories for high intensity aerobics on average.

What is the metabolic equivalence of aerobics?

The metabolic equivalence of a physical activity is a statistical unit (MET Metabolic Equivalent of Task) which allows to express the ratio between the energy expenditure of a physical activity during the effort and the energy expenditure of an individual at rest .

Normal intensity aerobics, for example, is a low intensity activity with a MET value of 5.5. This discipline therefore burns 5.5 times more than at rest and in the same way as a physical activity such as recreational skating or golf.

High intensity aerobics MET = 7.5

Weight loss estimates, calculations and results, from several examples of aerobic training plans!

Do you know how much weight you lose by doing 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours of aerobics? How often should you exercise to shed pounds and burn fat? Thanks to the tables below, you will be able to have a notion of your weight loss according to the weight, the duration and the number of training sessions per week.

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