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how to make your own step for aerobics

 What is aerobics? Concept for weight loss exercises

To maintain your body in good shape, the fair sex, use a variety of methods. Scrubs, masks, peels. Massages, sports, dance, fitness and so on. D. Women spend a lot of time finding the most effective and efficient method that will help achieve the cherished shape.

One such process is aerobic. But in order to benefit from a started class, you must understand what is aerobics. In addition, you need to understand how to perform the exercise correctly so as not to harm your body.

What is that?

What is aerobics? Concept for weight loss exercises

Aerobics is an exercise program that is based on aerobic movements as part of musical compositions, with a precise rhythm, which helps to define the measure necessary for the proper execution of the movements.

Specially prepared areas and equipment do not need to seek aerobics. Engage in this type of gymnastics possible and at home, having a minimum amount of sports equipment. An important and integral part of aerobics is music.

A brief history

What is aerobics? Concept for weight loss exercises

considered the homeland of aerobics ancient Greece. Then it is a kind of gymnastics, and to do it exclusively by men. Exercise under the drums and the sound of the orchestra were popular among the Spartans. They have been used to strengthen posture, develop a sense of rhythm and the plasticity of movement.

Aerobics as a free direction appeared only in the 19th century. The appearance of a special type of exercises related to the development of a special set of exercises Dr. Demeny. He was the one who was the author of the system of exercises for muscles and joints, based on a combination of rhythm with the harmony of movements, alternating relaxation and tension of different areas. Special attention is paid to the development of flexibility and plasticity of the human body. Dr Demeny stressed the need to ensure continuity and omnidirectional movements. A change in their complexity in both directions provides rest for the muscles.


What is aerobics? Concept for weight loss exercises

There are several types of aerobics, each of which has its admirers:

dance aerobics - the most popular and effective form of artistic gymnastics. The main goal is to improve posture, reduce weight and strengthen leg muscles. In addition, during exercise improves the sense of rhythm. According to practice aerobics views do not require special tools, quite a good music and a good mood.

Step aerobics consists of a set of basic steps, which are interconnected by combinatorial ligaments. Aerobics for weight loss beginners includes simple combinations of two or three stages of the bundle.

Slide aerobics combines aerobic and power loads. For the courses you need to buy a special mat with a sliding surface and bumpers for braking.

Pump aerobics or body pampas includes strength training and aerobic exercises. Classes are held under upbeat music, performed strength exercises and used the rod, and all at the same time as the elements of usual aerobics.

Water aerobics - a special type of sports gymnastics. All exercises are performed in the water using minimal sports equipment.

aerobics fitness.

The use of

What is aerobics? Concept for weight loss exercises

Aerobic exercise not only help you lose weight, but also improve the condition of the human body as a whole. Thus, aerobics has a number of advantages:

a positive effect on the oxygen balance in the blood;

facilitates lifting mood;

improves the pace;

strengthens the bone and muscle system;

increases pulmonary ventilation;

helps improve the endocrine system;


good relieves stress.

aerobically useful both young women and older women. The age limits for gymnastics there.


Aerobics can bring invaluable benefits to female bodies, however, there are contraindications to this type of gymnastics class. These include:

heart disease and the cardiovascular system;

high or low blood pressure;

heart attacks and strokes;

varicose veins;

ankylosing spondylitis;

injury to the spinal cord, intervertebral discs and other disturbances in the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system;

Aerobics for the elderly

What is aerobics? Concept for weight loss exercises

Sports in age will have significant differences from those of youth and young age. From some of the exercises will have to give up, for example, power loads.

Fitness in old age can cause the body to use it. The result of gymnastics will be:


Strengthening the immune system;

Improvement of joints, cardiovascular system;

Increased flexibility;

better motor coordination;

Improved sleep, freedom from insomnia;

The increase in mood, the emotional state as a whole;

Improving memory, cognitive processes;

Prevention of senile dementia;

Prevention of possible problems with memory.

Doctors strongly recommend moderate exercise. However, before starting the course, the elderly person needs to review in detail all the information about this form of gymnastics, learn what aerobics is, a medical examination and obtain a doctor's license. Otherwise, excessive exercise can cause damage to the body.

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